Wednesday, May 6, 2020

1.Choose One Of The Psychological Disorders Discussed In

1. Choose one of the psychological disorders discussed in Chapter 16. Explain the neurological basis of the disorder, as well as the neurological basis for treatments of the disorder. Discuss open questions and possibilities for future research. You may not choose the same topic that you chose for your midterm, short answer question, or other long essay question. Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain that can cause many different kinds of complications for the patient. Some of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia are visual hallucinations/auditory hallucinations. This neurological disorder only impacts around 1 % of the population, buy can cause major distress for the individual that has it. There are both positive and negative†¦show more content†¦This example is known as the glutamate hypothesis which theorizes the idea that the brain receives a little amount of glutamate neurotransmission and not enough dopamine neurotransmission (Eagleman Downer, 539). Olney and Farber (1995) found that this caused many of the symptoms of schizophrenia (Eagleman Downer, 539). Moreover on this idea, Corlett, Honey, and Fletcher (2007) found that a good portion of schizophrenic patients have lower glutamate levels and tend to have differences in their NMDA receptor expressions (Eagleman Downer, 539). A lot of these findings were simila r to the effects of drugs like PCP (which block NMDA glutamate receptors) which tend to have side effects like hallucinations and states of fear (Eagleman Downer, 539). A third example of a neurological cause of schizophrenia is what is known as the dopamine hypothesis. This hypothesis is the idea that irregular levels of dopamine, in the case of schizophrenia, high levels of dopamine, are linked to some of the symptoms of schizophrenia (Eagleman Downer, 539). This idea was thought of because of the findings on the use of amphetamines causing a rise in dopamine in the brain as well as the rise of the symptoms of schizophrenia (Seeman Lee, 1975)( Eagleman Downer, 538). There are a few different treatments used for schizophrenia. However, one of the most prevalent treatments for schizophrenia is the antipsychotic prescription drug. One of theShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Emotional And Social Relationships Essay1196 Words   |  5 PagesExploring Psychological Research The studies that I chose to participate in where Emotions and Social Relationships, Psychotic-like Experiences in Borderline Personality Disorder and Exploring Personality, Violent Thoughts and Violent Behavior. Emotion Topic Area The study I chose for this category was Emotions and Social Relationships. I chose this study because there have been many times when my emotions have had an enormous impact on my social relationships. 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